Martes a Sabado y Feriados de 09:00 a 14:00 hs y de 17:00 a 22:00 hs –  Domingos de 17:00 a 22:00hs            

  • English


    The Hall of Agreements used to function in this place of the former Government House, which was used by the governor when receiving authorities or signing important agreements.

    It has been restored to its original physiognomy, with replicas of the chandeliers of the time, itswooden floors and the furniture that is part of the historical patrimony of the province.

    This solemn room houses the ruling lineage of the Province, exhibiting the portraits of the political figures that occupied the highest public officesin Santiago del Estero.

    The hall makes reference to the different governmental periods of the province since the Declaration of the Autonomy of Santiago del Estero until the year 2017.

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