The attempt to connect Tucumán with the Litoral region through the Chaco proved unsuccessful in countless occasions. Nonetheless, in subsequent military operations, a number of peace pacts were made with certain Abipone settlements.
Also, because of Jesuit intervention, three new settlements were founded: San Fernando in Corrientes, San Jerónimo in Santa Fe and La Concepción in Santiago del Estero. The latter was first settled on the eastern bank of the river that the Spaniards called Inespin and the Abipones called Narahaguen, but was relocated several times before 1758, when it was permanently established in the South of our province, on the left bank of the Dulce River, where it converged with the Salado River.
“Since the time of the victorious Charles V, who conquered the best regions of America on behalf of Spain, the bellicose people of the Abipones have remained determined to abide by their own laws, even after their neighbouring settlements had been taken over. Not only did they reject all forms of friendship with the Spaniards, but they lost no occasion to extend their dreadful weapons across the whole province” (Dobrizhoffer, Martin. “Historia de Abipones”).