The Santiagueniancuisine has a legacyofprehispanic culture’s habits and it still uses nature resources.
During winter and autumn, corn and pumpkin are two of the most important ingredients for daily food. They are yellow and have a coarse texture, similar to the heat of the blazing Santiaguenian sun.
During spring, the big trees give us shadows and fruits that have been enjoyed for generations The algarrobo tree, one of the most important trees on Santiaguenian flora, and the mistol tree give a huge variety of fruits that are used for food and drinks.
On summer, the chañar’s fruit and tuna give us the arrope. This is a sweet, tasty and solid jam with a dark colour. Arrope and honey are very softs and both are included on Santiaguenian deserts.
Indigenous towns had a vast knowledge of flora and its properties; this knowledge, together with the religious ideas from the fetishism and evangelization,characterize popular medicine in the region. Those practices are used even nowadays and are an important heritage from our ancestors, as Santiaguenian people transmit them from generation through generation.
Popular medicine is used in the present. People believe in it, and is an important characteristic of Santiaguenian folklore. They came from rites and ceremonies of indigenous people.
It is a sedative, expectorant, diuretic and hepatic protector. It is also used for treat flu, cold, and fever. In addition, it is used as a mouthwash against caries.
It is used to treat cough, gastritis, heartburns and stomach ulcers. In addition, is an excellent cicatrizing.
It is a sedative and a menstrualcycle regulator; it helps to blood circulation, prevents articulations ache and facilitates digestion. It calms arthritis and headaches. It also is a muscular sedative and helps fight against gastrointestinal infections and fungus.
This chañar’s skin is an expectorant, antitussive and anti-inflammatory.
It helps to expel gases, intestinal parasitic, and it helps to alleviatelungs problems as it is expectorant and antitussive. In addition, it helps to digestion and combats dizziness and cold.
It is a diuretic, astringent, blood tonic plant that stops the diarrhea and helps to recover the minerals. It contributes to keep the collagen. It is a muscular sedative and is indicated against anaemia, arthrosis and arthritis.
It helps fight cold, hoarseness, constipation, nephritis and liver diseases. It is indicated fordiarreha and dysentery.
It is a digestive and antioxidant plant. It fights heartburns and rheumatic pains, and it expel gases. Moreover, it destroys the worms on animal’s wounds.
It is a good plant for digestive system affections, diarrhea, menstrual cycle delays, stomach-aches, indigestion, parasites, lungs problems and flatulencies.
The Santiaguenian craftworks have its ancestral origin on Precolombine times and nowadays have a strong indigenous influence. When Hispanic culture came to our lands, our culture started to assimilate to theirs and this assimilation was rendered in cultural expressions. During assimilation, the craftworks became unique pieces with regional characteristics.